ADDWILL opens a new office in the city of Girona with the aim of consolidating its services in the province of Girona and covering the business and growth opportunities of companies in the territory.

ADDWILL Girona has a team of more than 10 professionals, including lawyers, economists and advisors specialized in practice areas, offering legal, tax, accounting and labor services, meeting the needs of the territory and following the quality and innovation standards that inspire the group.

The firm wants to consolidate ADDWILL as a reference firm in the province of Girona, acting with total competence in matters of high added value such as tax advice and planning for companies and family assets; restructuring and sale of companies; the taxation of operations with cryptocurrencies; and financial management, among others.

Contact information

 Gran Via Jaume I, 76, 2-1, 17001 Girona

 + 34 972 666 068

Team Girona

Gregori Sarquella


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    Responsable del tratamiento: Addwill Partners, S.L.P. (“Addwill”).
    Finalidades: Gestionar sus datos para poder atender y dar respuesta a su consulta.
    Legitimación: El propio consentimiento del usuario.
    Destinatarios: Terceros con los que Addwill esté contractual o legalmente obligado a facilitarlos, así como empresas de su mismo grupo en el caso de que sea necesario para resolver su consulta.
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