Immigration services2023-11-02T12:50:31+01:00

Immigration services

Immigration services

  • Visas: Obtaining appropriate visas to visit, work and study.

  • Residency: Advising and assisting in obtaining temporary or permanent residency.

  • Nationality: Advice and representation in the process of applying for the Spanish nationality.

  • Employment: Management of work permits for employees, self-employed and highly qualified professionals.

  • Legal requirements: Representing clients in legal proceedings in the event of refusal of their visa or permit applications.

  • Immigration Law Compliance: Advice on compliance with our country’s immigration laws and regulations

Taxation of film investments: A strategic tax benefit for companies

By |2024/09/03|Categories: Tax Law, Corporate Law|

  The regulations of the Corporate Tax (IS) offer an attractive tax incentive for companies seeking to reduce their taxation through investments in film productions, audiovisual series, and live performances. This deduction not only promotes the cultural sector but also [...]

Approval of proposal for the mass regularization of immigrants in Spain

By |2024/07/22|Categories: Labor Law, Immigration|

  In Spain, it is estimated that around 500,000 immigrants are in an irregular administrative situation. This condition not only makes them invisible but also deprives them of fundamental rights and hinders their integration into the labor market, especially in [...]

Regulations for tourist apartments in Catalunya: Everything you need to know

By |2024/07/18|Categories: Civil Law|

  The situation of tourist apartments in Catalunya has undergone a significant change with the approval of Decree Law 3/2023, dated November 7, ratified by the Parliament on December 20, 2023. This decree, in force since November 9, 2023, introduces [...]

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