Coinciding with the start of the 2021 Income Tax Campaign, we remind you that Article 7p) of the Personal Income Tax law allows you to declare, as exempt from personal income tax, income received for work actually done abroad, with a limit of 60,100 euros per year.
As this is a very beneficial exemption, it is essential to have all the necessary documentation proving travel to be eligible for its application. This document-gathering task can be complex and time-consuming, depending on the number of workers and the number of trips made.
In addwill we can help you with our outsourcing service through the TravelTracker program, managing the information regarding the trips and their correct registration. In this way, we make it easier for companies and their workers to carry out the additional work and burden involved in managing all the necessary documentation to be eligible for this exemption.
We have the support of tax advice specialists who will be in charge of verifying the information, making sure that you have all the necessary documentation, resolving doubts and determining the application of the exemption.
The outsourcing of this documentation registration service by addwill will ensure you a rigorous registration and the correct application of article 7p of the IRPF. We take the opportunity to share with you the previous publication on our website “Treasury on the lookout for the 7P exemption“.
At addwill, we are at your disposal if you want to expand the information and advice on this matter by our expert professionals. You can leave your query by clicking here.