There are several reasons that can lead an entrepreneur to consider the sale of their company or assess the need to incorporate new partners. Beyond maximizing the value of the transaction, the goal is to ensure the viability of the project and support growth, among other strategic considerations.

Determining the opportune moment to sell the company or negotiate the entry of new partners is not an easy task. The variability of factors and the unpredictability of opportunities require meticulous preparation, which always works in favor.

From our experience advising entrepreneurs in sales processes or the search for new partners, we identify key questions that must be addressed.

Is there a business succession plan?

The existence of a succession plan for the business is a necessary aspect. In case of its absence, the advance planning of possible succession modalities becomes imperative.

When is the ideal moment?

Many times, the generational change becomes the key moment to assess the sale of the business or the entry of new partners. Other factors, such as business growth or strategic changes, may require a similar evaluation to ensure the project or boost its expansion.

To prepare for a sales process, it is highly advisable to carry out a prior tax study that determines optimal conditions, requiring advance planning to be fully prepared at the time of the transaction.

What considerations should be taken into account when selling my company or bringing in new partners?

The sale or entry of new partners usually involves a thorough Due Diligence of the company. Conducting a prior internal review is essential to present the company optimally.

Since negotiation processes are extensive and require the preparation of numerous technical documents, having specialized advice in business, tax, and labor areas is indispensable. In certain cases, the intervention of financial advisors is recommended.

Also, it is important to bear in mind that the incorporation of new partners implies a more complex and prolonged process, as it requires the regulation of the terms of future collaboration through shareholder agreements or other instruments.

From addwill, our team of experts in the legal department is at your disposal to expand information and provide detailed advice. Contact us at 934 875 200, email, or by clicking here.