Immigration services2023-11-02T12:50:31+01:00

Immigration services

Immigration services

  • Visas: Obtaining appropriate visas to visit, work and study.

  • Residency: Advising and assisting in obtaining temporary or permanent residency.

  • Nationality: Advice and representation in the process of applying for the Spanish nationality.

  • Employment: Management of work permits for employees, self-employed and highly qualified professionals.

  • Legal requirements: Representing clients in legal proceedings in the event of refusal of their visa or permit applications.

  • Immigration Law Compliance: Advice on compliance with our country’s immigration laws and regulations

Modifications in the Tax on Economic Activities for 2022

By |2021/12/20|Categories: Tax Law|

The companies that are part of a group of companies and, until 2021, have been able to benefit from the criterion established by the Supreme Court ruling 356/2018 of March 6, 2018, which considered that, if the group companies had [...]

VAT: Obligations to take into account before the end of the year

By |2021/12/16|Categories: Tax Law|

El próximo 31 de diciembre finaliza el plazo para realizar unas solicitudes a efectos del IVA a la Agencia Tributaria para que sean efectivas a partir de enero de 2022, e igualmente hay que tener en cuenta otras cuestiones relevantes [...]

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    Destinatarios: Terceros con los que Addwill esté contractual o legalmente obligado a facilitarlos, así como empresas de su mismo grupo en el caso de que sea necesario para resolver su consulta.
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