Albert Folguera, partner-director of addwill in the Family Business Department and specialist in VAT and Corporate Tax, will deliver the online training “How the new Verifactu System affects you” on February 13, organized by Wolters Kluwer Academy.

In this session, the modifications outlined in Royal Decree 1007/2023 will be explained, establishing the “Verifactu Regulation” for billing systems. The regulation aims to ensure the integrity of billing records through a specific format, incorporating security elements such as hashes and electronic signatures.

This regulation will require business owners to automatically generate registration records prior to each invoice, adding traces or hashes. Alternatively, they can submit records to the Tax Agency. The goal is to avoid dual-use programs and, in the future, enable data download by taxpayers to facilitate the preparation of record books and tax models.

Albert Folguera is the President of the Tax and Financial Law Section of the Barcelona Bar Association (ICAB), a member of the international network International Tax Specialist Group (ITSG), and coordinator of the Experts Group on Indirect Taxes of AEDAF.

From addwill, we encourage you to register for this interesting Wolters Kluwer training course.

To attend the presentation, you need to be registered as clients of Wolters Kluwer Academy. If you already are, you can register for free by accessing the platform . If you are not yet a member, you can contact them for more information by clicking here.

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