In Spain, it is estimated that around 500,000 immigrants are in an irregular administrative situation. This condition not only makes them invisible but also deprives them of fundamental rights and hinders their integration into the labor market, especially in a country facing difficulties in filling jobs in sectors with low demand among the national population.

Recently, the Congress of Deputies approved the initiation of the legislative process for a possible mass regularization, which could be a solution to this problem. In the past, such as in 2005 under the government of José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, more than 600,000 people were regularized.

Following this precedent, the popular initiative bill presented by the “Regularización Ya” movement, which has the support of about 900 civil society organizations and migrant collectives, aims to benefit half a million people, estimating that one-third would be minors.

The legislative process includes discussing the proposal in committee, presenting amendments, and finally, voting in the full Congress. This process could take several months. The promoters hope that, if approved, the government will establish, by royal decree, a regularization procedure for foreigners who are in Spain before November 1, 2021, within a six-month period.

In this context of change and opportunity, the immigration department of addwill is here to assist you. We offer comprehensive and personalized services to guide you through the regularization process, ensuring you meet all the requirements and take advantage of this historic opportunity.

You can contact us through the form to help regularize your administrative situation in Spain.