Immigration services2023-11-02T12:50:31+01:00

Immigration services

Immigration services

  • Visas: Obtaining appropriate visas to visit, work and study.

  • Residency: Advising and assisting in obtaining temporary or permanent residency.

  • Nationality: Advice and representation in the process of applying for the Spanish nationality.

  • Employment: Management of work permits for employees, self-employed and highly qualified professionals.

  • Legal requirements: Representing clients in legal proceedings in the event of refusal of their visa or permit applications.

  • Immigration Law Compliance: Advice on compliance with our country’s immigration laws and regulations

Real estate due diligence: Key aspects of investment in real estate by foreigners

By |2022/02/22|Categories: Other|

Are you a foreigner thinking of investing in real estate in Spain? Do you need to guarantee that the property you acquire will be 100% yours? In addwill, we are below summarizing the basic issues to take into account in [...]

The Generalitat will grant 19,500 euros to companies to encourage the hiring of unemployed young people for a year

By |2022/02/15|Categories: Labor Law|

Last July 2021, the Generalitat de Catalunya reported on the implementation of a shock plan against unemployment, whose measures to support employment focus on helping the most vulnerable groups – women, young people and people over 52 years – to [...]

The “Startups” Law Proposal and its tax implications

By |2022/02/10|Categories: Tax Law|

On December 27, 2021, the Draft Law for the promotion of the ecosystem of emerging companies was published in the BOCG. With this Bill, better known as the "Startup Law", it is about promoting the creation and growth of innovative [...]

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