Last Thursday, July 8, our client Railgrup Cluster held its Annual Convention and General Assembly of Partners, with the assistance of David Andreu Canals, managing partner at addwill, and Guillem Hors Navarrete, partner of addwill Girona, in an exceptional setting such as the Peralada medieval Castle.

This convention brought together 120 representatives of Railgrup’s associated companies to discuss the solutions required by the future of mobility. Additionally, this convention represented the consolidation of the strategic turn carried out in recent times by the Cluster; the change of name of the cluster was agreed in order to reflect its current scope of action and tackle the challenges of the future of mobility.

Thus, on July 8, IN-MOVE by Railgrup – Clúster de Mobilitat i Logística Multimodal was born, whose philosophy is to promote sustainable mobility.

For addwill it is a pleasure and pride to be able to accompany our client on this journey, giving all our support and collaboration for their growth.