Under the direction of Albert Folguera Ventura, a partner in addwill‘s fiscal department, a group of up to twenty-eight professional experts from the firm participated in a job training project that took place from September 12th to October 17th of this year. This project was carried out in collaboration with the Fundació de l’Esperança de l’Obra Social de “la Caixa”, within the framework of the Incorpora Program, which aims to promote the socio-labor inclusion of individuals at risk of exclusion.

Addwill‘s strong commitment to supporting the Foundation’s cause resulted in the creation of a course designed to train accounting administrators. This course was focused on students who, for the most part, had a medium to higher level of education in their home countries and were seeking to acquire the skills necessary to access positions related to accounting and administration.

The course had a predominantly practical approach, with a special emphasis on becoming familiar with the legal and business tax environment, as well as adapting to accounting practices in Spain, including the use of the A3CON program.

It’s worth noting that the course was a resounding success, with instructors impressed by the high level of knowledge and motivation demonstrated by the students. Furthermore, the program included 100 hours of practical training in professional offices and businesses.

The training, which consisted of a total of 320 teaching hours, was primarily conducted at addwill‘s headquarters in Sant Gervasi, Barcelona. The study plan covered a wide range of topics, including entrepreneurship, accounting management, business tax management, and the use of accounting software. All instructional materials were provided to the students in physical portfolios.

A total of 20 students attended the training sessions, which concluded with a closing session on Wednesday, October 18th, led by Albert Folguera. During this session, the students were evaluated to measure the knowledge they had acquired during the training program. These students demonstrated a strong interest in the topics covered, actively participated with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn, and we are confident that they have made the most of this training opportunity, which will undoubtedly open doors for them in their search for job opportunities.

As a collaborating company, addwill hopes that our training efforts will significantly contribute to the social inclusion of all registered students, by equipping them with the technical skills needed to progress in the field of professional business services.

For detailed information about the Foundation’s activities, you can access the following link: https://www.fundacioesperanca.org/ca/que-fem/.

We take this opportunity to invite you to explore our website and learn more about addwill and our specialized professional services.

If you require legal, tax, or accounting advice, please do not hesitate to contact us by clicking here.