Beatriz Argilés, director of the International Desk at addwill, attended the annual Congress of the Spanish-German Association of Jurists (AHAJ) in Schwäbisch Gmünd (CCS) from May 28 to June 1.

The event, which celebrated the fortieth anniversary of the AHAJ, was a fundamental platform for addressing relevant and current topics in the legal field.

Among the topics discussed during the congress were crucial aspects of law, such as the constitution of commercial companies with transnational components, civil liability derived from the use of artificial intelligence, the criminal liability of legal persons, and the division of common property in Spain and Germany. The diversity of topics reflected the complexity and diversity of legal challenges faced by legal professionals today.

The success of the congress is attributed to the participation and commitment demonstrated by the members, whose role remains fundamental to the growth and development of the association. The annual congresses of the AHAJ have consolidated themselves as high-level academic events that offer continuous training and networking opportunities, thus strengthening its position as the main platform for Spanish-German legal exchange.

The Spanish-German Association of Jurists, established in 1984 by 160 jurists from both countries and now with nearly 900 members, represents a key meeting point for legal professionals in the region. Its diverse membership, which includes professors, judges, lawyers, law students, and legal translators, reflects its commitment to enriching legal knowledge and strengthening professional ties between Spain and Germany.

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