Immigration services
Immigration services
Suits & Legal Compliance
Andorra approves a 7.1% increase in the minimum wage by 2023
The Andorran Council of Ministers approved on January 11, Decree 7/2023 that sets the Interprofessional minimum wage for 2023, which contemplates an increase of 7.1% with effect from January 1. Thus, this new decree, which will enter into force the [...]
Increase in the contributions of the Equity Mechanism
The year 2023 brings major changes in the public pension system, such as the entry into force of the pension reform or the application from this month of January of the new Intergenerational Equity Mechanism (MEI) that will increase Social [...]
On April 1, 2023, it will no longer be mandatory to present a copy of your sick leave
Workers who are temporarily unable to carry out their work activity will no longer be obliged to deliver the medical leave to their company as of April 1, as stated in Royal Decree 1060/2022, of December 27, which modifies certain [...]