On February 15, 2023, Law 11/2023 was published in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra (BOPA), on measures for the self-employed workers , which is intended to enter into force nine months after its publication.

This law of measures for self-employed workers provides significant improvements for the collective and finally avoids regulating the figure of the false self-employed, which creates problems in the surrounding countries, setting up a series of measures that mainly impact in taxation and social security of self-employed workers.

The main measures adopted for the working person in fiscal and social security matters are:

Main innovations in taxes and fees:

  • New deductions in personal income tax (IRPF): new deductible expenses such as rent, home insurance and supplies are introduced.
  • Discounts on the fee on the Register of Holders of Economic Activities: subjects registered in the Register of Self-Employed Persons enjoy a 50% discount on the amount of the fee on the Register of Holders of Economic Activities, as long as they receive an income of less than €24,000.

Main developments in social security:

  • Promotion and protection measures for the self-employed: new exceptions are included for the contribution during the perception of an economic benefit; the equalization of the rights of the self-employed in the event of an occupational accident and the rights in the event of financial benefits for maternity and paternity; and early retirement.
  • Measures that favor the family and professional conciliation of the self-employed: reduction of the fee.
  • Measures that improve the contribution of self-employed people: new contribution bases for the self-employed.

For more information, do not hesitate to contact addwill’s professional experts in Andorra by phone +376 833 333 or email andorra@addwill.eu, or by clicking here.