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Procedural Law2022-03-25T11:46:36+01:00

Procedural Law

Procedural Law

Our specialists in procedural law have the support of experts in the civil, criminal, commercial and contentious-administrative fields. Thus, our procedural practice is tailored to the needs and concerns of our clients providing them with legal services with the maximum added value.

We provide advice in the following areas:

Civil, Commercial and Family Law

  • Claims for contractual and non-contractual liability, liability of company directors, challenge of corporate agreements, damages, nullity of ‘toxic’ banking products, evictions, etc.

  • Foreclosure and execution of money judgements.

  • Nullity of abusive clauses.

  • Separation, divorce, separation and dissolution of common-law couples, processing of notarial procedures of termination of and change of the financial regime of marriage.

  • Investigations into legal disability, inheritances, statements of intestate heirs, and legal adoption procedure.

Administrative Law

  • Sanctioning administrative files and claims for liability against the Administration and its resources in various areas (traffic, private security, illegal substances, restoration of town planning legality, etc.).

  • Contentious-administrative appeals before the contentious-administrative courts, both ordinary and abbreviated.

  • Immigration (deportations and asylum).

Criminal Law

  • Financial Criminal Law (fraud, misappropriation, concealment of assets, damages, etc.).

  • Crimes against people.

  • Domestic and gender violence.

  • Criminal liability of minors.


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