In Decree 37/2023 of the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra (BOPA) dated January 25, 2023, it is specified that the average monthly global salary for 2022 is 2,284.67 euros.

This number – 2,284.67 € – is used as the basis for calculating the self-employed quota, to which a 22% rate is applied, resulting in the amount to be paid monthly.

Therefore, this means that self-employed workers who are at 100% will have to pay a contribution of 502.63 euros, which represents 22% of this average monthly salary.

It should be noted that this amount (502.63€/month) is dynamic and depends on the average salary in Andorra, which changes every year. It is not a number “chosen at random”, but rather the quota amount depends on the average salary of all employees in the Principality during the previous year.

You can consult this updated information provided by the Caixa Andorra de Seguretat Social (CASS), which you can find detailed at the following link:

For more information on this issue, or if you need advice, do not hesitate to contact our addwill office in Andorra via email at, or by phone at +376 833 333.