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Controlling & Financial Reporting2022-03-25T11:40:24+01:00

Controlling & Financial Reporting

Controlling & Financial Reporting

The members of our Finance Control & Reporting team have a high level of expertise and solid experience in the field of financial advice and management control, which we tailor to each client’s needs. We not only support companies in the implementation phase but also periodically monitor them over time to achieve continuous improvement.

  • Interimservices of Financial Control and Management.

  • Support in decision-making from a financial point of view.

  • Feasibility analysis of projects and investments.

  • Advice on Mergers & Acquisitions.

  • Financial due diligence.

  • Financial restructuring and bank negotiation services.

  • Implementation of automated future finance models, based on key management indicators.

  • Implementation of automated scorecards.

  • Implementation of the ‘DataDriven Organisation’ concept.

  • Preparation of budgets andperiodic reporting on company results and analysis of the variances.

  • ‘Turnaround’services: advice on improving results, cash flow and working capital.

  • Definition and implementation of the management control model (definition of responsibilities, recurrence, level of detail, etc.).

  • Review of and advice on internal control.

  • Internal audits of administrative and accounting processes with implementation of plans for improvement.


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