Immigration services2023-11-02T12:50:31+01:00

Immigration services

Immigration services

  • Visas: Obtaining appropriate visas to visit, work and study.

  • Residency: Advising and assisting in obtaining temporary or permanent residency.

  • Nationality: Advice and representation in the process of applying for the Spanish nationality.

  • Employment: Management of work permits for employees, self-employed and highly qualified professionals.

  • Legal requirements: Representing clients in legal proceedings in the event of refusal of their visa or permit applications.

  • Immigration Law Compliance: Advice on compliance with our country’s immigration laws and regulations

2024 Immigration Regulation Reform: Key changes and opportunities

By |2024/12/11|Categories: Labor Law, Extranjería|

  Royal Decree 1155/2024, published on November 20, brings significant updates to Spain’s Immigration Regulations, set to take effect in May 2025. These changes aim to streamline procedures, foster integration, and align with European policies. Here are the main updates: [...]

Amendment of the law to provide capacity support measures

By |2024/12/04|Categories: Procesal|

  This article highlights the most important changes in legal procedures concerning people with disabilities and how these have evolved. In 2021, Spain passed Law 8/2021 on June 2, reforming civil and procedural law to better support people with disabilities [...]

Some more shadows on the matter of remuneration of directors

By |2024/11/28|Categories: Tax Law|

  There are already several rulings from the Supreme Court that have determined that non-compliance with commercial regulations regarding the remuneration of directors cannot necessarily lead to losing the right to deduct an accounted, accredited, and remunerative expense for onerous [...]

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