Immigration services
Immigration services
Suits & Legal Compliance
Dual French-Spanish nationality / Double Nationalité Franco-Espagnole
As of 24 November 2020, it is now possible to obtain dual Spanish and French nationality. From that date, it is no longer necessary for Spaniards and French nationals to renounce their nationality of origin when acquiring the nationality of [...]
Beckham Law: origin of the special expats regime and main aspects
In Spain, when someone becomes a tax resident, their income is subject to Spanish Personal Income Tax or Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas Físicas («IRPF») in Spanish. In other words, they are taxed in the same way as any other [...]
Direct and extraordinary aid for people in ERTE or with a fixed discontinuous contract
The aid for low-income workers in a situation of ERTE or with a fixed discontinuous contract is extraordinary aid, in the form of an economic benefit in a single payment; Its purpose is to complement the loss of purchasing power [...]