Collaboration of addwill professionals in the Program for social-Labor Insertion Program of Fundació de l´Esperança and Obra Social de La Caixa.

Coordinated by Marc Ciutat, partner of addwill Tax department and head of training at the firm, several professionals from the company participated last year [...]

By |2021-04-20T08:27:53+02:002021/04/13|News|0 Comments

Addwill’s participation in Talita virtual race for inclusion

On the weekend of March 19, 20 and 21, the Talita Foundation organized a virtual solidarity race, where all the profits were allocated to [...]

By |2021-04-07T09:31:16+02:002021/04/07|News|0 Comments

Marc Ciutat speaker in course on real estate sales at IURIS aula de formació

Our partner from the tax department Marc Ciutat had the honor of participating as a speaker in the course on real estate sales together [...]

By |2021-03-31T10:43:31+02:002021/03/31|News|0 Comments
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