Immigration services
Immigration services
Suits & Legal Compliance
Royal Decree-Law 7/2021, of April 27, transposing directives of the European Union
Royal Decree-Law 7/2021 enters into force, by which a significant number of matters are modified, among others, competition law, prevention of money laundering, tax measures and consumer defense, modifications of which we want to highlight the following: I.- Modification of [...]
Effects of Brexit on VAT and its opportunities
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has ceased to be a member state of the European Union and has been considered a third country as of January 31, 2020, once ratified the Agreement on the Withdrawal of [...]
Tax on carbon dioxide emissions from mechanical traction vehicles: domiciliation and registration
This year the new tax on carbon dioxide emissions from mechanical traction vehicles is introduced, a tribute that will affect individuals and legal entities who are owners of a vehicle (tourism, van or motorcycle) with tax domicile in Catalunya in [...]