+ 34 93 238 50 08|info@addwill.eu
Property Law2022-03-25T11:52:21+01:00

Property Law

Property Law

In the Property Law department, we provide comprehensive advice on all types of property transactions. Our team have a high level of technical expertise and solid experience in the field of property advice, tailored to the needs of each client.

  • Advice on property sales, whether homes, premises or vertical properties.

  • Swaps.

  • Due diligence procedures.

  • Redacción, revisión y negociación de contratos de arrendamiento.

  • Reparcelling operations (segregations, divisions, aggregations and groupings).

  • Horizontal divisions and establishing of homeowners associations.

  • Declarations of new construction.

  • Architecture, development and construction contracts.

  • Transfer of businesses.

  • Advice on the tax implications of the various property transactions.


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