Contingency Plan for Ukrainian refugees in labor matters
Due to the current situation derived from the war that Russia is currently facing Ukraine, the European Union has activated the Temporary Protection Directive [...]
Due to the current situation derived from the war that Russia is currently facing Ukraine, the European Union has activated the Temporary Protection Directive [...]
Last July 2021, the Generalitat de Catalunya reported on the implementation of a shock plan against unemployment, whose measures to support employment focus on [...]
As of next March 7, 2022, it is mandatory that all companies that have 50 or more workers in their workforce have an equality [...]
On December 30, 2021, Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, of December 28, on urgent measures for labor reform, the guarantee of job stability and the transformation [...]
On September 29, 2021, the R.D. Law 18/2021, of which, among other contents, regulates the extension of ERTES. These are the most important points [...]
On July 10, 2021, Law 10/2021, of July 9, on remote work was published in the B.O.E. This new law maintains and reinforces the [...]
On May 28, 2021, the Royal Decree Law 11/2021 was published in the B.O.E., on urgent measures for the defense of employment, economic reactivation [...]
On May 28, 2021, Royal Decree Law 11/2021 was published in the BOE, on urgent measures for the defense of employment, economic reactivation and [...]
As of next April 2021, the obligation to have a salary register comes into force, the objective of which is to make effective equality [...]
The aid for low-income workers in a situation of ERTE or with a fixed discontinuous contract is extraordinary aid, in the form of an [...]